Starting at :Rs. 27836
Halo Sectional Matrix System
Rs. 27836 Rs. 31050 10.35 % off
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₹ 149
₹ 175
Two – Tone Disclosing solution
₹ 144
It is a fine prophylaxis paste (containing fluoride)
UltraSeal XT Hydro Single Kit
₹ 2373
₹ 2483
Pit & Fissure Sealant hydrophilic, hydrophobic, self-adhesive, 53% filled resin, thixotropic flow, and fluores
Enamelast Unit -Dose Kit
₹ 9903
₹ 12017
Ultradent Enamelast Unit-Dose Kit offers effective sensitivity relief with 5% Sodium Fluoride in a Resin Carri
Sable Seek Single Kit
₹ 7601
₹ 7700
Green color identifies dentin, precise cavity prep, prevents over-excavation, enhances dental care.
₹ 5240
₹ 5357
Autoclavable coloured mouth prop with tongue guard keeps mouth open and retracts the tongue simultaneously
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