Starting at :Rs. 296
IMPRINT (450g)
Rs. 296 Rs. 370 20.00 % off
IMPRINT (750g)
Rs. 466 Rs. 610 23.61 % off
IMPRINT (1.125Kg)
Rs. 758 Rs. 900 15.78 % off
Dpi Imprint Alginate Powder is a high-precision alginate impression material used to make precision dental impressions. Dpi Imprint Alginate Powder is a dust-free alginate, with normal setting time. It exhibits fast absorption of water and enhances the ease of mix. The final mix of the impression material is a homogenous mass with smooth and compact surfaces. The impression can be stored for a long time before pouring the casts. Its high precision makes it the ideal choice for dentists specializing in removable prostheses. The extended working time (2 minutes) gives the dentist the possibility to operate in a more precise manner and with greater peace of mind.
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