Rs. 940


The paste is premixed oil-based calcium hydroxide paste containing iodoform. The addition of iodoform to calcium hydroxide improves radiopacity and adds an antibacterial agent to the paste. Non hardening paste, solubilized calcium hydroxide remains active in root canal for a longer time.



 Direct pulp capping.

 For indirect pulp capping after pulpotomy.

 Temporary or permanent filling material for infected root canals.

 Perfect cavity liner under all filling material.

 Dentine-Protective and neutralizing cavity liner.




After the root canal preparation using traditional method (infected / complicated canals should be widened instrumentally without pushing the canal content into the periapical area, antiseptically treated and dried using EDTA-17% liquid.

Insert the tip into the upper part of the canal as close to the apex as its possible, isolate the surrounding with the cotton swab and fill the canal with the calcium hydroxide with iodoform paste. Remove the excess materials and insert the temporary filling material.

The paste may be kept in the cavity for 1-4 weeks. After this period, the paste is removed, premedication is held, and the root is refilled with calcium hydroxide with iodoform, cavity isolated by liner followed by final crown restoration. In case of the milk teeth treatment, carious dentine and necrotic tissue should be removed prior applying the calcium hydroxide with iodoform and temporary filling. Upon the next appointment, the temporary filler is removed and replaced by the permanent filling.


PACK SIZE: DPI Hydofome +                                                       MRP- Rs940

1.45g syringe X 2 N and 6 N capillary tips


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